Surfing Yogi Warrior Woman

I am convinced that surfing followed by Julianne’s Flow for Strength Yoga Class is a winning combination. I’m hooked and I’m an addict now. I hope you enjoy the story and insight from my surfing and yoga adventures today. 

I was feeling low today while dealing with emotions that come with multiple layers of loss (do you feel me?). I was sick of feeling low so I decided to have a mini dance party to myself. My teacher watched as I started flailing my arms and legs around in her living room as if I was trying to shake the stale energy off of my body. I giggled and laughed as I moved and exclaimed joyously, “No more!” I found myself rolling around on the floor and trying to move my body in every direction I could think of. 

The emotional body and mind are intricately interconnected. When your body isn’t feeling great you might notice your mental state is not in a good place either and vice versa. Sometimes the cure is as simple as moving your body around wildly to get your head in a better place. Adding some verbal words of encouragement or mantra is an added bonus. 

Feeling energized and uplifted, I was ready for my surfing session. Every time is different: the waves, weather, my mood, and intention is different. Today I entered the water with an empty mind and a calm, cool, collected feeling. I felt my paddling arms getting stronger. I was able to paddle for long periods of time without getting tired. Just me, the water, my board, my breath, and each stroke. It’s an extremely meditative and juicy activity. 

I made my way to the clear zone, where surfers rest from crashing waves and I hung out there for a while. I enjoyed the peaceful, clear, calm and euphoric feelings while floating there. Taking in my surroundings: the cool refreshing water, friendly surfers, the beach and surrounding hills, kids and dogs playing on the beach. My mind fell blank for long periods of time. I was one with my surroundings and my worries completely fell away temporarily. I caught a couple of waves in and felt satisfied. It was a beautiful scene and I didn’t want to leave but it was getting to that time. I had to make it to my yoga class of course! 

While swimming in the water I noticed a woman yelling at me with her hands in a prayer position over her head. I immediately exited the water and talked with her from six feet away. She was trying to tell me there was a shark spotted recently in the water. That was a more then good enough reason for me to get going! Perfect timing. Also, it’s nice that surfers help other surfers out with important information, especially regarding sharks. Thanks surfer friends.

Julianne’s class was beautiful today. After being in the water I noticed my body was more open then usual. I was really present with myself. I tenderly placed my hands on my abdomen and chest feeling extremely grateful for this incredible and strong body that I’m lucky to call home. Practice got moving and I felt determined to work my body to the edge. I pushed myself hard. I let my anger fuel my practice (anger about all of the loss I’m experiencing). You’re thinking: is she crazy? Surfing AND hard core yoga in one day? A big and wholly YES! I wanted to feel tired, exhausted. Feeling totally drained is a great way to distract from strong emotion and thought. The body is literally too tired for the mind to focus on heavy things. It’s also a great way to feel vibrantly alive. 

I am getting hit by a huge wave of tiredness as I am writing this right now...

I was reminded of my extreme power, grace, and beauty while practicing yoga today. I felt how strong my body and mind are becoming. My balancing poses were unwavering. I was incredibly focused. I could do wayyy more push ups then a few weeks ago! I love that part about yoga: progress is measurable. The thought of my body and mind getting stronger every day makes me happy. Getting stronger with help from: yoga, surfing, vegetables, meditation, and good company. I highly recommend all of those things. 

While writing this I was reminded that creating distracts from feeling sadness. If I wasn’t creating I would most-likely be feeling sad. When creating one is in flow and all fear (and sadness) falls away! Isn’t that cool? Try it! While creating it’s hard to focus on anything else except for what you are creating. 

I want to leave you with some words of honesty and realness. Things feel incredibly difficult for me right now and as I write this it may seem like I am romanticizing how things are. Yes there are beautiful moments, followed by moments that question the nature of beauty. I’m extremely grateful for the moments of peace, beauty, truth, connection, and joy I've experienced recently. I hold on to them dearly through these difficult times. As I grieve many types of loss I am aware that times will not always be like these. There’s a brighter future waiting for me, for all of us. It’s not every day I feel like a surfing yoga warrior woman but I’m grateful for the days that I do. 

I’ll leave you with this quote by Geneen Roth: “Passion, strength, and joy cannot take root in exhausted, burdened, half-dead bodies." 

So take up surfing and eat your vegetables!